New version on:
Programming language : C#
.NET Framework Version: 1.1 Redistributable Package
DirectX 9.0c SDK(Summer 2004) or DirectX 9.0c End-User-Runtime
Develop environment: #Develop 1.0 RC3
Database: MS Access XP
- Install the .NET Framekork 1.1
- Install DirectX 9.0c.
- Unpack file "ManagedDX.CAB" and install file "mdxredist.msi". (file is in the unpack folder from DirectX).
- Copy the files from the path \bin\Release\ in your program path.
- Start MyFotoAlbum.exe
- Maybee you need a new MDAC version.
The database name is "MyFotoAlbumDaten.mdb" located in the application folder.
If you like to change the locaton or name you have to edit the UDL-File from "_MyFotoAlbumConnection.udl" to "MyFotoAlbumConnection.udl" and configure it with a double-click.
Select the OLE-DB-Providers
Choose the database.
Thumbnails are stored in the folder "Thumbnails" under the applications folder. You can choose a other place in the option menue. The change don't move old thumbnails!
Your thumbnails can be rebuilt with the button in the option menue.
Templates are stored in the folder "Templates" under the applications folder. You can choose a other place in the option menue.
The documentation is stored in the folder "Doc". You can't change the location.
The icons for the toolbar and Video-Thumbnail are stored in the folder "Icons". You can't change the location.